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Wanted to send off a photo of Luke on his second birthday. He is incredibly handsome and sweet natured, and everyone he meets dotes on him! 


He loves to please and is very calm/careful when he is volunteering, regularly gets complimented on his manners, likes to flirt with pretty girls who give him extra pets, loves to play and recently mastered the frisbee....... and is always the happiest when he gets to tag along.  We love having him as a part of our family and couldn't be more thankful.  


Just letting you know that Mac (Ellie and Bear pup) has completely stolen our hearts and is everything you described and more. He is sweet, good natured and has a great demeanor overall.  Thank you for our Christmas Blessing!!


Thank you for my sweet Lily who I got from you in August 2015!  She is such a love!!!!  one of the sweetest and good natured dogs I've ever had!


We are so happy with our new addition , Jeter🐾💙!!! He loves his new home!' Since his first day here, he's been going to the potty outside and sleeps thru the night! The kids love to train him with the sit, down , wait, and leave it commands! Jeter is doing awesome! He's starting to better on the leash too!

He's everything we wished !!! Thank you for breeding such beautiful, mellow puppies!!  

Here are a few pictures at our home! Xoxo 


Just wanted to send you an updated photo of Fin Hogan. Born November 4th Roscoe/Skye. Hard to believe he will be 7 months old this week. He is amazing! People comment on him every time we take him out in public. Thank you again for giving us the perfect dog.

Justin and Holly

Gunner has been amazing and so mellow ❤️❤️❤️

He is seriously the sweetest.

We love him so much!

As you know Bailey our beloved 
golden retriever has cancer of the jaw and though she still eats all and goes out very vigorously on walks we know what the outlook is. Tucker loves Bailey and already has learned some of her floor movements when stretching etc . It is very hot here and Bailey is in the family room is over the air conditioning and Tucker has laid down beside him and is kissing him. We love our Tucker and everyone coming to see us has fallen in love with him. He is beautiful, curious, incredibly loving following Kit everywhere, so smart on his commands and yes so mellow


Thank you for being such a good breeder.   Our Sammer is a Mariah/Bear pup born 2/11/16.  I bought him to breed him but am also training him to do therapy work.  He is stunningly beautiful, gentle and obedient.  I know that you gave him the very best start and we are extremely appreciative.  




Storm Trooper is now doing therapy work and is the therapy dog for Mineral County Hospital and is starting to get involved in other events.  It has been great for both of us. Such a handsome love and has the same calm disposition of his dad.



Hi Kim, 

I certainly meant to write you sooner but we’ve been busy enjoying the two new little girls “Snow white” & “Snow Angel” we adopted from you back in August. Snow’s little girls! Coming from a business back ground myself, I know first hand the many difficulties and aspects involved to ultimately please people. As family lab owner/breeders of yellow, black & chocolate’s ourselves for the past 25/yrs. It’s been our dream for the last few years to ad a “White” English lab to our family! We know from experience in order to get the right puppy you must first find the right reputable breeder. To say we did by finding you, would be an under statement. Let me explain why, first of all to purchase anything, let alone a puppy via the Internet can be a very unpredictable thing. Spending countless hours on research to locate the right breeder along with the right puppy is exhausting and somewhat confusing. Then after narrowing things down to realize the breeder you chose lives on the opposite coast which involves shipping the puppy is yet another obstacle to say the least. On each and every one of these issues you functioned flawlessly. From our first phone conversation about the deposit to the actual pick up of our puppy at the airport you were extremely helpful. You were even conscientious enough on the puppies behalf to fly them red eye so there sleep wouldn’t get disrupted, how cool is that. Our puppies arrived at the airport healthy, clean & 100% adorable as promised. You and your labs are truly everything and more that you have stated on your website. Everyone knows looks are what first catches ones eye. Anyone who knows dogs will agree that “Temperament” and “Intelligence” is what completes the whole package. As you say, your labs are ~ SMART ~ MELLOW ~ BEAUTIFUL ~ and we couldn’t agree more! Kim you and your wonderful Labradors are certainly a first class act! A (5/Star) operation from start to finish! We’re so glad to have found you.


From our family to yours, Merry Christmas & a Happy Healthy New Year! God Bless!

Sincerly, (your east coast friends),

Rick & Susan & family

Hi Kim,


This is David, I just wanted to keep you posted with Raglans hunting ability. He is now close to 8 months, and this last weekend we took him to a hunt club up north to put him on some actual game birds. He did phenomenal. He was great on upland game birds, we went 12 for 14, and he retrieved every bird to hand. His mellow nature and willingness to please has made him a charm to train. I haven’t gotten him into ducks or waterfowl yet, but he loves to swim, so it’s only a matter of time. I’ve put a lot of time into him and his obedience and hunt skills have really paid off. Here are some pics and links to videos for you to look at. He is an amazing home and field companion and I can’t thank you enough for bringing him into our lives


David, Wendy and Raglan


Hi Kim, 
Also wanted to share this video with you from last week. Just a testament of how amazing the labs you produce really are. Raglan really can do it all. 


I just wanted to say, “Thank you!!!!” Sula is amazing and you did such a great job socializing and potty training her. She is doing SO good on potty training and even goes out the doggy door to go to the bathroom outside almost every time. I am shocked how easy she is. After reading the books you recommended, it has been smooth sailing. She has the cutest little howl but settles down after 5-10 minutes. I am so thrilled with her. You are really a first-rate breeder. 






“I wasn’t sure we’d ever be able to replace our favorite dog after his passing a few years ago. But Dave has proven to be the best dog a family could ask for. I went through therapy certification with him and he was the star pupil. Everyone always asks how a lab can be so mellow and even tempered. He never growls at anyone or anything. He barks when appropriate (strange car at the house, stranger getting too close to our boat at the lake, and when a stranger comes into our camp). He is so good with kids. Just yesterday we were camping and a little girl spent her day climbing all over Dave and he just sat there and let her do her thing to him. Never once did he show any sign of losing his patience. He’s convinced he’s one of the kids though! He jumps on the trampoline with the kids, tries to ride in the tube behind the back of the boat. He’ll swim underwater to get to us when we’re playing in the pool or the lake, he tries to swim through the waves when I go surfing in the ocean, and he whines like a baby until we let him in the house! He talks a lot… howling and chatting. He loves to go to the park (across the street) and look for birds. Some people will pay $300 and get a psycho, others pay $500 and gamble and others get it right the first time by paying a little more up front, but their chances of getting a great dog are the highest. Dave is such a great dog and we feel lucky and blessed to have him! Thanks for breeding the highest quality dogs around!”





Hi Kim, Jerry and I want to thank you for our beautiful little girl. What an amazing trip we have been down these past months with you. I can`t tell you how extremely helpful you were from the get-go. Always there to answer our email questions and talk to us on the phone to help guide us along in our decision to purchase one of your pups. It was definitely a GOD thing that we came upon your website. 
Getting to choose Rosco as our stud and then the beautiful Scarlet was so exciting. I can`t tell you how much fun it was to visit your beautiful home. Pulling past the gates to have ROSCO greet us and then getting to spend time with all of them was wonderful. Every one of your dogs is so sweet and well mannered it was nothing less than joy getting to know and play with them all. 
Our new puppy, your Hope our Chloe Ray is beyond our wildest dreams. She has adapted to our home fitting right in. It didn`t take long to realize how well socialized your puppies are. She is eating well and sleeping through the night. 
The best news came when she visited our vet. He asked, so you`ve done your research on this pup/breeder? Upon answering yes he said, Job well done she is a PERFECT specimen of what a Labrador pup should look like giving her a clean bill of health. YEAH! 
God Bless You Kim and once again thank you so much for our Chloe Ray. She is a blessing to us already and we are looking forward to many wonderful years with her. 
Jerry and Mary 




“Hi Kim, Our puppy, McCovey (black collar) has been GREAT! He cried a bit the first night – but has slept like a baby each night since. He is also doing great with the housebreaking. We are not taking our eyes off of him. We lead him to his “potty” area and he almost ALWAYS goes. This is the 3rd puppy I’ve raised (different breeds) from this early age and he’s been incredibly easy. We also have our older dog who is great at modeling good behavior AND wearing McCovey out! He’s growing already! I am so pleased with our new addition to the family. Thanks again!” Debbie

“Hello Kim, Wanted to send you a picture of Lucy B (formerly Blue Collar) and give you a little report. I have to admit the first couple days were rough. She wasn’t much liking the crate so no one was getting a lot of sleep. Once we added the ticking clock and a piece of our clothing she was much happier and some nights is actually sleeping all night. She is very smart, already knows sit and leave it. Our trainer is quite impressed and thinks she should be in commercials because she is so cute and quick to learn. Of course, we are very proud! Let me know and thank you for raising such awesome dogs! ” Leslie 




"Hello Kim and family, I thought you would like to see pictures of our beautiful Adelaide. We are so happy with her. She loves living in Seattle. Thank you so much for breeding such wonderful dogs.” Julie

“Hi Kim, Just wanted to let you know how much we love Chase! He is a perfect fit for our family. The boys love to play with him and he sleeps in his crate all night without crying. We have the crate in our room and he only wimpers to go pottie. I’ll send pictures soon. Just wanted you to know you did a great job raising him he never jumps and he goes to the sliding glass door to go outside to pottie. He’s just perfect! I’ll be in touch.”




~Kim “I have to tell you that everyone that has seen Elroy has fallen in love. The girls at my vet call him their boyfriend. Not only is he beautiful, but has a great temperament. He is much mellower than Astro ever was. Elroy and my son sleep together on the Costco bed. Yesterday they were both under the blanket, sleeping. I need to get some pictures of that. I am amazed at how smart he is, the potty training is going really well” -Dennis




“Hi Kim, I just thought I’d let you know that our puppy is doing great! Her name is Chloe and she is very smart and friendly. To our amazement, she’s already mostly house broken–she knows to go to the sliding door and ask to get out or to go through the dog door in the garage. Our family loves her and she has had lots of visitors already as well as a couple of “play dates” with my sister’s dog and my coworkers’ dogs. She had a first vet appointment last week (she checked out great) and will have her next shot and stool sample) this Wednesday. We are continuing to “free feed” her, and that is working out well. Thanks very much for this wonderful puppy! I hope you had a nice and restful Mothers’ Day.” Vicki 



“Thanks for meeting with us on Monday. We are all very excited to have gone forward with choosing 1 of your puppies.Cathy and I were so impressed with you as well as your set-up. We are looking forward to the day the pups arrive. Please feel free to keep us up to date as the day gets closer… Best of luck.. See you soon!” Sincerely, Chris




“I just wanted to tell you how much we are enjoying Rookie. He is a wonderful dog. Very smart and mellow for a puppy. I have attached a picture of him with his two boys – ” Stephanie  



"Dear Stofer Family, Just wanted to update you and let you know that Nixon is such a WONDERFUL dog…he is such a good boy and has become such a special part of the family….I have attached a recent photo of him and hope all is well… Please let me know when you breed again.. (next year) I am really interested in a female.. Talk to you soon” Jen




“Kim, I am so tired!! they are such good puppies and they get along with each other so well! It amazing how one cries when the other is away. They are such great puppies and are doing great. Feel free to refer us for a reference. thanks” Matt G




“Just a note to say that the new pups and their owners are absolutely in love with one another. They are singing your praises saying whatever you did to “train” them they have one perfect pup!!! You make people happy! It is good to see such joy in kids and parents alike! I think 13 weeks is the perfect time to adopt! So glad it all worked out for everyone. Love to you and the family!” Sherri




“Ginger is sleeping through the night in her crate and is a very good puppy. Everyone loves her and she minds very good. She has been to our vet and is in good health. Thanks for everything.” Abbie




“Hi Kim and family, Just wanted to let you know how Carlee is doing, She looks like her mother she is so pretty, we love her so much. She goes in this week for her 4th shots and last set of shots. She has 2 more weeks of puppy school, she every Wednesday night and she love it!!! I’m going to take picture’s of her this week and I’ll send you some. She and Coco can’t get enough of each other I don’t know what they’d do without each other.” Take care, Tina & Carlee

“Such a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and loving gift in my life” -Jeanette




“Hello, Kim. Gracie is such a special little puppy!! Occasionally late in the evening she sits with us on the couch, when we lift her up to join us, but most of the time she prefers to lay on the floor at our feet when she is napping. She is sleeping in the crate at night. She slept almost five hours last night, before whining to go outside :-)!! Attached are a number of pictures I wanted to share with you. Thank you once again for selecting us as Gracie’s adoptive family. It’s hard to explain in words just how much I am enjoying having her in my life, Kim. Such a special gift and blessing. Hello to your family. Take care.” Regards :-), Jeanette




“Just wanted to thank you for letting us come see our puppy. I am so thrilled because his personality is exactly what we were looking for. You should be very proud of the dogs you are breeding because they are so beautiful and have wonderful personalities! I did a lot of research and looking before I found you, and I’m so glad that I did! Talk to you soon!” Carolyn




We are approaching Rookie’s third birthday – so I thought I would send you an updated photo.  He is a wonderful dog and couldn’t be loved more. It is all I can do not to get another one! Rookie is king of the waves down at the beach – he will chase down the surfers as far out as I will let him go.  I am convinced he wants to get on the board. My sons play a lot of baseball and we get to take him along when they play.  He loves all of the attention he gets – and thinks he is part of the teams. Thanks for giving us a wonderful part of our lives!





Savannah is a love!!! We already had our first camping/boating trip. She was such a good girl, she sat at the door of the Motorhome when she needed to go out, slept very well, and was a peach on the boat while we were fishing. We had the balance of our shots yesterday, she fared very well…the Vet thinks she is a beautiful and healthy Puppy! She now weighs 41 pounds and is perfect according to our vet. We start puppy school the end of next week. Thanks so very much for such a gift from god!!! We adore her!!!! Carolyn and Jim



Hi Kim, I thought I would drop you a line and say hi, and hope that you and your family are doing well. It’s been just a little over a year since we have had Kalani and she continues to be a joy and blessing in our lives!! She just graduated tonight from her obedience class, and she got FIRST PLACE! A perfect score is 160, and she received a 155. I am so excited for her and I, we have been working so hard together…and finally our work has paid off!! We will start an advanced class in a couple of weeks, so I’m very excited and cant wait to learn all that the class has to offer! I can’t say enough “thank yous” for your commitment and passion for these dogs. I appreciate your expertise training that you gave Kalani, it truly gave her a head start in her other training. You laid the foundation for her and our family, and now we just continue to build on that foundation you gave us. Thanks again and God bless, Tiana  




Kim, 7 dogs have been a part of my life and by far, Troy has been the easiest and most delightful puppy. I was so delighted to have found you and your wonderful breeding program. Even more impressive was the exceptional puppy training that you offered – I can’t tell you what a difference this made for us! By the time he came to us, Troy was clearly crate trained and housebroken and adapted immediately to our home. He’s never woken us up at night – he marches into his sleeping crate next to my bed and doesn’t make a peep. He knows his basic commands and whenever he’s not sure what to do, he sits and gives me the most adorable look as if to say, “What do you want me to do?” He’s started puppy kindergarten – by far, he’s well ahead of the other students (plus, he’s the best looking!). He also goes to doggie daycare where he’s the star of the show. He loves my other dogs and now that he’s getting bigger, they’re able to play a bit harder (which Troy loves.) He started retrieving a tennis ball the day he arrived – that’s his most favorite thing in the whole world. Thank you so much for allowing me to bring Troy into my life; he is truly a gift! 



Hi Kim- I can’t believe it has already been a week since I got Kruz! He is so spectacular!! I’m not gonna lie, the first 3 days were really rough. I was home alone & not used to being able to come & go as I please. By the 4th day he loved his crate & was already sleeping 5 straight hours. I could not even imagine him not being here with me. I cannot wait to be able to take him on walks. I kinda just wanted to write you & tell you thanks again for allowing me to purchase Kruz from you. I love him so very much & I am so extremely happy having him in my life!!!! Talk to you soon Kim Q




Hi Kim, not sure if you like keeping track of your puppies or not but wanted to let you know that Tucker is developing into a nice young man! He looks so much like Jake! I heard Maureen just picked up Luke a couple weeks ago and we are dying to meet him. I hope to get a play date with them soon. Tucker is just over 10 months and is doing so good. He is such a smart boy. He knows all the basics and is getting very proficient at roll over and prayer. Although I keep him on a leash most of the time he really doesn’t need one and he’s quite the social butterfly. He loves to wrestle with other other labs. I think it’s his favorite thing in the world. He started swimming this summer at Lake Tahoe and I took him to Dog Beach this weekend. He was a big brave boy and hurdled the waves to retrieve a ball and chase his buddy and couldn’t get enough. I’ve attached a recent picture so you can see how handsome he is. People comment on him all the time and whenever they ask, I send them your way. You definitely breed to your moniker because Tucker is smart, mellow and beautiful. Cheers, Sam




Hello, Kim! We all wanted to write and let you all know how thankful we are for our girl-Sydney. She is coming along nicely at only 18 months old. Sydney has a unique relationship with each member of the family for which we all delight. She is a neighborhood favorite… we marvel at how many people shout out “hey Sydney!” when they walk, jog or drive by. Sydney has achieved “rock star” status at Aliso Viejo Christian School where she rides in the truck with me to deliver and pickup ‘her’ boy each day…. She is the ‘fetchingest’ dog I’ve ever known! We spent 7 days down at the Colorado River and she spent most of the time in the water-what a dock jumper! As she continues to mellow, we have hopes of getting her certified for visitation to the local children’s hospital and rest homes. This will be a ministry that our oldest son [John] will be involved in. I will be starting Seminary this January and look forward to utilizing Sydney in my ministry as well. We will be looking to you in the next year or so in order to adopt another girl into our family! The consensus here is for a sweet , white , little sister for Sydney. We are partial to Roscoe as the papa… All in accordance with God’s plans! Thanks again for the blessings we have daily from Sydney! In His unshakable love! Ken and Tracy , John, Graham [in heaven] , David and Sydney




Hi Kim. Georgia is the best dog we could ever hope for! She is so sweet, smart, and just all-around a complete family member. My son, Steven, is completely comfortable with her now. Thank you again for the perfect pup! Sincerely, Linda 

Hi Kim. Georgia is doing great! She has such a sweet, friendly nature and is already 41 lbs at 4 months. We love her and thank you for breeding such an outstanding pup! 
The King family 




What a beautiful Christmas Card! Thank you so much. Both family and dogs are great looking. I am Diana from Florida who bought Piper, little over 2 years ago. She is a pup of Snow and Jake. She is the love of my husband's life. She is Beautiful!!! Stubborn, but beautiful. We would not know what to do without her. Again thank you. Could you let me know which is Snow and Jake in the pic you sent of the dogs? We have picked 2 that we think may be them but not sure. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year and thank you again for our wonderful Piper. Diana




Hi Kim, 
Just thought I’d give you a little update on Katana. Entered her in her first obedience trial today @ Fresno. She qualified in Rally Novice B, earning 1st leg toward RN degree, 2 legs to go. She was anxious, but actually scored higher than Kimiko (too much sniffing), she is more attentive and I’m sure will get better as we keep practicing to get over her fears, but really proud of her. I’ve attached some pics of her and her listing. Thank you for such a loving puppy, just love her to death and have some hope to keep working toward a CD and possibly higher. 
Blessings~ Janet 



Hi Kim! 
Just thought you would enjoy this picture of my Mia! She is already almost 9 months old….I just can’t believe it! She was helping me do some yard work! 🙂 
She graduated basic obedience this weekend! She has now done puppy preschool and basic obedience. She can sit, down, stay, wait, come and leave it! She is so smart! My next goal with her in the intermediate class is to work on getting her K-9 good citizen! I have full faith she can do it…she is AMAZING! 
Thanks again! I couldn’t have dreamed for a better buddy! 
Lindsey M. 
Bonney Lake, Washington




Kim-I am delighted to tell you the girls are doing fantastic! Mercy can hold her own with Grace when they’re tussling around. They are best buds and we are so happy with them both! Monday they will see my vet and get set up on a puppy program. Thanks for my two angels. God Bless, Max 



Hey Kim,    Well, Boston is almost a year old. She was born last July 3rd.   We just wanted you to know that she is the sweetest, loving little girl. She is very mellow, kind, and social. She loves her walks and loves to meet all the dogs in our town of Los Gatos. We have a creek behind our house and she swims, swims and swims she loves the water. Just thought you would like to hear that Rosco and MacKenzie produced another amazing lab. We love her so much!Jeff & Cindi




Just a quick update on Lexi. She is now 4+ months and it seems impossible she has grown so much. She weighs 40 lbs and finished all her shots including her rabies and also got microchipped. She was so good at the vets and I just put her through her moves and she sat, stayed, dropped and came perfectly. The vet asked her to sit and she did so immediately. She was great. She has never made another mistake in the house since she was 9 weeks old and is learning not to jump on people that come over to our home. She never jumps on us but our neighbors are good at kneeing her down so that helps. It only takes once and she does not repeat it. I took a couple of photos this week and thought you would like to see them. The one she had just stolen the glove from Linda but she did bring it right back. She is such a precious puppy. Thanks again for breeding such great dogs.

Love,   Suzi




 Hi Kim,     We love our puppy!! He is smart and soooo great with people and a couple dogs we’ve introduced him to that are close family dog friends and have had all their shots. We’re still working out some night time kinks, but he’s trying so hard to sleep at night. I feel so lucky that we worked with you. So many people have told us of their unfortunate experiences with their breeders so I have been spreading your name around and telling them how great our experience has been!!  He gets a lot of attention so when he naps, he really naps as you can see!     Loree




Dear Kim and Stofer Family,
Thought you may enjoy see Mia’s first year! She is such an amazing dog! I love her more than words can say! She has recently completed her intermediate dog class and is working toward her K-9 good citizen! She spends the days I am at work at doggy day care and loves it! We jog, hike and she is now swimming! I couldn’t have asked for a better dog!
Thank you again!
Lindsey and Mia




Kim,   Hope you are well. Just thought you would like to see Pirate (Colby) as he is now. I have had labs all my life. This one really takes the cake. He has the most gentle and loving demeanor of any dog I have ever had. He is just amazing and showered with love and affection. He is spoiled rotten though lol. He knows how to open doors and does so to come back inside when we put him in the back yard. He has been a wonderful addition to our family and we can’t thank you enough. We may reach out to you for another one soon 🙂

Thanks!   Daniel




 Hi Kim, It’s David, owner of Raglan. I just thought I’d share this photo with you. This past weekend we entered Cooper and Raglan in the 5th Annual Northern California Frisbee Dog Championships. Cooper and Brian took 1st Place and Raglan and I got 3rd Place. We are so proud of them. Just another example of how awesome your dogs are, and how happy we are to have them in our lives. David




I just wanted to report back to you how wonderful Shiloh is, now a 12 weeks old puppy. 

Shiloh knows “come”, “sit”, “down”, “leave it”, and “back”. He is so smart that now when we call him, he would do all the commands in sequence we taught him before we ask as if saying now I’ve done everything, where is my treat? So we have to change the commands randomly and make it harder to predict. Every time he does “leave it”, we can’t help but being impressed. My 9-year-old son Will sometime would ask him “down” then put a piece of chicken meat on each of his front paw, and line several pieces up right in front of him and ask him to “leave it”, and the little guy would be able to resist the temptations. We would yell at Will and give Shiloh lots of hugs and praises. We are still working on “no bite”. He is doing much better, just now he is bigger and the nipping hurts more. Now he has several sets of shots done, we’ll start puppy training class tomorrow. Shiloh is such a friendly puppy. When we go on walks, he wants to say hi to everyone and every dog. We are looking forward to tomorrow’s class when he can meet other puppies. We’ve gotten so many compliments how cute and handsome Shiloh is. One guy told my husband that Shiloh is the most beautiful puppy he’s ever seen!  Attached are some pictures from 7 weeks to 11 weeks. Thank you so much for letting us have such a wonderful puppy, and for all the advice you gave us!

Qi, Abe, David, Will and Shiloh




Hi Kim,

 Mr Clyde made it A OK. As promised mellow smart and beautiful. We are so grateful. THANK YOU! I’ll send you a legit update when I have more time.





Hi Kim,  This is Lucia from Morgan Hill; we picked up our yellow lab about 2 ½ weeks ago. We named her Mosely and I just wanted to let you know she is doing great! She is so smart and mellow! You are so right about your puppies…smart, mellow and beautiful. Everyone who meets her comments on how mellow she is J  She is learning so quickly and has settled right in with the family. She has not had one accident in the house! We are so happy to have her – she is such a little love. Thank you again for breeding such top notch puppies. Happy New Year to you and your family!    Lucia




Hi Kim!

It has been a long time but I was taking a pic of Pearl and thought it was long overdue for me to send you a few pics and give you an update.

We LOOOOOVE Pearl!!  She is so amazing – so sweet, so mellow.  Over the past year, she has been traveling with us by car to Texas, to Idaho, to Texas and to Idaho again!  She’s been in the waters of the Gulf Of Mexico ocean all the way to Idaho rivers!  She is the best-behaved dog everywhere we go and she is a doll here with us.  The littles love her so much and she is certainly spoiled with us.  Everyone asks us if she is even a lab because they never met such a well behaved lab!  She is with us everywhere.  She is such a wonderful addition to our lives and our family.  Pearl will be the childhood dog that my kids talk about one day as adults, they love all love her so much.  Colby spends most of his time with her when he is here but during the school day, Camryn and Carson just love on her, dress her up, relax with her.  At night, Tony and I use her for our footwarmer and get to cuddle with her.  She is certainly not lacking at all in hugs and kisses.  The best dog ever!!!

Thank you for your help in getting us all adjusted with Pearl.  Oh, and she barked for the first time ever when we were outside and she heard something in the woods.  It was a deer!  I loved her bark even though we had never really heard it before!  She sounded like a guard dog – gotta love that! 

PS.  How are things going with your Silver Lab?  How is her temperament?  Is she mellow?  That will be our next puppy – a silver lab, God-willing, so I am curious because now I am spoiled with Pearl and her very mellow temperament!


Priscilla & the rest of Team  (Tony, Colby, Camryn & Carson)




Hi Kim –

I just wanted to email you and let you know how wonderful Paisley is! She is sweet, mellow, funny and very smart. Thank you so much for everything – the training that you did with her gave her such a great head start. She is potty trained (mostly – sometimes her people forget to pay attention!) and is doing well with the crate and obedience. We’re working on walking on the leash – it’s a process! 🙂

She is such a wonderful addition to our family – a real “snuggle bug”!! It’s so much fun to walk into the room and be greeted by that face and wagging tail.

Thank you again for everything – you really do a wonderful job with these precious puppies!

Take care and we will stay in touch – you may see us for boarding one of these days!

All the best –





Hi Kim!

I hope this message finds you well!  Jake is doing fantastic, he’s very happy and well behaved.  Believe it or not, he’s already 68 pounds and he’s only 7 months.  We couldn’t be happier with him and he brings us so much joy!  He gets to have play dates with his brother Tucker quite often.  I thought I’d send along the attached pictures that Caroline and Sam took a few weeks ago when they were taking care of Jake for the weekend, truly adorable!  I hope all is well with you and your family!  Fondly,  Jenny




Kim,  Jake is doing great. You were right on the 3rd day he no longer cried and howled!!!  Did you know that he howled? Did he do it at your house? so funny we were actually so shocked when he did it. We said to him where did you learn this from young man. He sleeps between Larry and I on our bed and feels so safe and secure that he sleeps all night, meaning
a pee pee at like 11.30pm and then 5.30-6.00am. I am so impressed, but….  let me tell you his mornings he is into everything and loves to try and chew on my wood dinette chairs and table. Oh, he is a character with personality plus. My friends have all said they have never seen a more beautiful lab as Jake. And my dear that is a compliment for you not for me. You do have the gift of creating the most awesome labs that could ever be!!! You breed with love and with God so with God’s helping hands you are the artist. With art every piece is unique and you are living proof through your labs. THEY ARE TRULY UNIQUE IN EVERY WAY!!! God bless you and your wonderful family and thanks be to God. Keep in touch, I love your aura, Patti




Stella is nearly five months old and she is such a blessing to us!  She goes everywhere with me and is so smart and brave.  She takes all new things in stride and knows how to settle( down)  When we are places or in a restaurant!  She is calm and sweet.  We are taking her to her second level puppy class and she is doing well.  She is my best friend and a wonderful companion just as you said she would be.  Very easy to train. I still miss my Molly,  but Stella has eased our pain and brings us great joy daily.    Penny Becky is growing and she just loves the ranch.  She played in the mud puddles most of the day yesterday running back and forth in the water.  We had to wash her off with the hose last night to bring her
in the house.  She is such a funny dog we laugh all the time and what a great personality.  Needless to say, we LOVE our Becky Chill Rose.  I have to tell you we take her everywhere.  Met a couple at a hotel that had a 2yr old lab.  Becky sits and lies down when we tell her.  She sat there in front of the other lab calmly and looked at the other lab totally out of control
barking, pulling on her leash, jumping, wouldn’t sit for the owners. Becky just looked at her like what’s wrong with you!  We were so proud of her at her young little age she is very well behaved and still working on her restraint at times she wants to jump on people when they arrive. We have also been very lucky she only tried a couple of times to chew the
wooden furniture but never did it again.  Just want you to know what a great dog he is!  He is so good with kids, my grandson of 10 moths got right in his face on his hands and knees and Sam did nothing. Sam slightly adjusted himself, but did not do it abruptly just ever so slightly.  Grandson was right in his face I felt no anxiety what so ever him being right in Sam’s face.  I JUST HAVE TO BOAST this about your DOGS!




Hi Kim,  Just a quick update.  Maddie and I just got back from her 3-month vet appt., she weighs 22lbs now and is doing very well!  This Saturday we will be attending a group obedience class so that she can have some interaction with other folks/dogs.  Mark and I are very much enjoying our puppy; she is a treasure to us all. Blessings,  Tracy 




Hi Kim,  As we approach our Nola’s first birthday next month, I thought I’d check in and let you know how happy we are with her.   She is incredibly smart and loves living with her big sister, Daisy, our chocolate lab.  We couldn’t believe how quickly she trained.  Just the other day we laughed about purchasing a big bottle of Nature’s Miracle, thinking we’d have a ton of spots to clean up around the house…but we never used it.  Just wanted you to know you did a great job in breeding.  We are thrilled to have her part of our family.  Hope you are all doing well.

Carolyn and Michael




Hi Kim!  My beautiful Mia May is already two as of June 29th! I can’t believe it! She has grown up so fast!I have attached a few photos from her birthday… one is of her “pupcakes”, yes, I did make her wear the birthday hat, and the other two photos are from our most recent hike just the other day!  Again, I can’t thank you enough for my amazing girl! I love her more than words can say. She is so sweet and mellow, yet fun and playful like a young lab should be. I keep her very active and well socialized. She is very spoiled but deserves every bit of it! I couldn’t ask for a better buddy!  Thanks again Kim!   Lindsey and Mia




Hi Kim,  Clyde turned one this weekend. He is an absolute doll. Love this dog! He is sweet, handsome, smart and just an absolute pleasure.
Thank you! Dan




Rosie and I just completed our first grocery store excursion and she was amazing.  The cart was a little intimidating for the first couple of minutes, but then she was a real pro.  At less than 9 months old, she behaved like she'd been doing this for years.  No issues as we cruised the meat counter or produce sections.  Her nose went into hyper drive in the cheese aisle, but she kept things under control :-)

Since she's come home, there hasn't been a single incident of chewing something inappropriate, eating something she shouldn't, or serious misbehavior of any kind.  The only thing we have to be careful about is that she is so smart.  She has figured out how to open the gate and let herself and her "big brother" out of the yard when they feel like roaming the neighborhood.  The good news is that she knows how to get them both back in when the adventure is complete.  You can't believe the gyrations we go through to Rosie-proof gates.

She could not be a better match for me and I thank you daily for bringing her into my life.  She is the perfect combination of fun loving and attentive, but all business when she puts on her vest.  I have never been around a sweeter soul - human or canine.

I sang your praises when Jenny called me recently.  She is the woman in Santa Rosa looking to replace her service dog who passed away recently.  Told her that she will not find a better dog anywhere.  I hope something works out for her - it sounds like she both needs a service dog and is fully aware of what is involved.  Please feel free to use me as a reference any time.  I am an ecstatic client.

Hoping all is well with you and your family, and those amazing dogs.  

Big hugs,


"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him." 

~ Lamentations 3:25

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